Thursday, April 2, 2009

Find what you are looking for, fast!

aflatune now has a better way to browse through the library of albums, songs and playlists.

Click on playlists and you will see all playlists at a glace -


And check out our spiffed up experience when browsing through albums and tracks. You will be able to quickly apply filters to get to what you are looking for. While you are browsing, also notice the nice page titles like ‘Hindi albums from year 2008’.


Some of our users told us that the filters (i.e. ‘Language’, ‘Browse by’, ‘Year’, ‘Page’, etc) look cluttered and somewhat confusing. We have improved the spacing for the filters and have added dotted lines to separate them visually. We hope these changes make filters easy to use.

As always, tell us what you think!

--- the aflatune team.